Kalliope & Deimos Kingsford

Kalliope Kingsford 



Half blood. Father is a pure-blood, Mother is a half-blood 

Twin brother, Deimos. 

Achievements in School: 
She is a Ravenclaw Prefect 7th year. 

Some people have lives; some people have music.
Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart. 

Kalli is the calm before her brother's storm, she is sweet and kind to everyone while at the same time being a cool and collect calm. She does enjoy life, like her brother, but not exactly to the same extent as to endangering herself to enjoy life. However she does love to read and study, which makes her great friends with Roxas and others who enjoy studying. Due to her being the older twin, which is a fight between the two twins whenever it's brought up, she feels it's her responsibility to clean up her brother's messes and protect him. Due to this she is often reserved if not with friends or her twin, coming off as uncaring despite caring a lot and being gentle. 

Her goal in life is to become a healer and thus loves learning everything she can about healing. Secretly her favorite teacher is Professor Snape due to hearing rumors of him being able to heal greatly, which makes her have a bit of a soft spot for Slytherins. 

Kalli is around normal height at 5'5", she doesn't look thin but she also isn't fat. She doesn't have the muscles that her brother does (since her brother does work out) but she also isn't weak due to also working out, mostly running and some light weight lifting. Her bust size is pretty normal while over all she can blend in most of the time unless she wishes to stand out. She doesn't really stand out much but she is pretty healthy in looks, the biggest thing that stands out is her dirty dark blonde hair and warm honey brown eyes. 

Deimos Kingsford 



Half blood. Father is a pure-blood, Mother is a half-blood 

Twin sister, Kalliope

Don't take life too seriously. Punch it in the face when it needs a good hit. Laugh at it.
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.

Deimos is playful and teasing, he loves to flirt and enjoy life to the fullest. Because of that he takes any opportunity to expand his knowledge and learn more on how to enjoy life. Often making up spells to make his life easier or more enjoyable. Because of his love for learning he ended up in Ravenclaw and at some point met Roxas in the library where they became study buddies which lead to friends. His home life is normal with his parents doing their best to stay out of the war, not picking a side really aside from more leaning towards the against Voldemort simply because their views don't line up with his. But that isn't something he brings up at school, just that he wants to have fun and ejoy life. Thus at parties he is always in the middle of it and having fun


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