Western World Idea's
World Idea One:
Western/country themed idea where it mixes in some modern time stuff while also keeping to the old west type too. There are cars, air planes, cell phones, and internet but nobody really uses cars or airplanes unless completely need to. They get around in carriages, wagons, stage coaches, trains, on horses, and by foot 99% of the time. Basically it is has the western setting only with modern clothes and personal tech and modern plumbing for what is most commonly used.World Idea Two:
An EMP type bomb went off in multiple places of the world to make it so it seemed like a world wide problem. Most of the technology that survived is so high priced/government only that it isn't available to the public. Money has become useless unless in a government protected area, which is only two or three towns for each country and to get into them is even harder. There are still some working solar panels and batteries, if one is able to fix them up and get the parts to fix them for private use, along with the windmills still working and producing power. Water wheels also work for producing power if one lives near running water. Old fashion telephones still work along with telegrams, so more reasonable to have a telegram office in each settlement/town.
Railroads, horse drawn carriages, wagons, walking, and horses are the main way to get around on land, on sea it is older boats or the boats that were on the very edge of the blasts and still mostly work. There are some vehicles left but as the government controls gas, it is hard to get one that is working and even harder to get the gas to run it. So most vehicles are now largely scrap heaps wherever they stopped running at, or have been turned into use for something else.
If it isn't a government ran city then it is run by mobs or criminals on the cities that where big before the bomb went off. A few gated communities popped up for survival of banding together and attempting a normal life but they are just as bad as the cities. Many smaller settlements/towns had ended up abandoned for the safety of the of the protected cities or gated communities. There are still some with those that keep it alive, normally those that had more old fashion values and farms or ranches nearby to help keep them worth keeping around. After all the horse ranches are one of the most profitable ways to survive and help keep a town up and running.
The plumbing does still work, just no hot water unless heated up over another source or lucky enough to have a working solar powered water heater (rare to have one outside of the cities). Stoves are old fashion wood ones for cooking on but there are also wood stoves used for heating houses that had been fixed up. As money is useless in most places, bartering with goods, rare items, or labor is the main way of doing things. Most ranches have small houses set up for people who work to pay off a horse or cattle. Some ranches have a connection to a city or gated community to where they provide a worker for so many years after a trial period in exchanged for meat or food/seeds.
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